Thursday, June 30, 2011

Modeling III: Process 6 - Beta Model For Character Part 2

Here is another update in regards to my character model process. I was able to successfully import my model sheet and worked with what I had previously. In these two pictures, I am still working on getting all the verticies wielded together. So far I have an ok Body type, and in the process of getting the legs.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Modeling III: Process 5 - Beta Model For Character

This is the first Rendition Process of my Character Model. This was before I created a model sheet, but the pictures within are my original references for his body structure. I still need to learn how to model this stuff correctly.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Modeling III: Process 4 - New Model Sheet

This is an update to my old model sheet. I tried to give it a more realistic look. On the left you see outer attire. Underneath all that, he will have skin tight clothes. I will begin modeling the skin tight before going into detail with the rest of the clothes.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Modeling III: Process 3 - Male Model Practice

In order to create a model in 3ds max you have to understand the process of making set model. I am not very familiar with 3ds max and did everyth ing in my power to create the typical male model

This is my first attempt. You can tell it is super blocky and doesn't have much depth.

This next one is my finished model. Even though it has improved, it still lacks in proportion, and overall shape. I will need to continue trying my best to make a proper male model when it comes time to do my character.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Modeling III: Process 2 - Character Design

After going through the design phase of the character, I went ahead and tried to come up witha quick visual concept in Flash.

The color scheme is subject to change and some specific features (like the shoes/head attire) will as well.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Modeling III: Process 1 - Character Concept

Name: Mathew Drew
Sex: Male
Hero Name: Phantasm
Origin: Technology
Power Level: Unearthly

Agility: 9
Strength: 7
Endurance: 8
Reason: 10
Intuition: 8

Talents - Weapon Skills (Sharp Weapons) / Scientific Skills (Physics)
Powers - Distance (Energy Generation) / Distance (Sound Generation) / Movement (Leaping)
Limitation: When at a distance he can manipulate his bladed weapons to create shockwaves on the ground, but can only preform this when he is completely focused (when he has found his center).

1) Deadpool -
2) Snakeeyes -
3) Bullseye -
4) Daredevil -
5) Cable -
6) Blade -
7) Ninjas -,r:2,s:0&biw=1259&bih=839
8) Ryu Hyabusa -
9) Ninja Assassin -
10) Assassins Creed Main -
11) GreyFox (Metal Gear Solid) -,r:3,s:0&biw=1259&bih=839
12) Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 4) -,r:1,s:0&biw=1259&bih=839
13) Hakumen (BlazBlue) -,r:6,s:0&biw=1259&bih=839

Actor: Tom Cruise

Role: Anti-Hero

What's cool or different? With a twist?: This character will be a different take on the typical ninja characters with a balance between assassins creed and Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 4. When at a distance he can manipulate his bladed weapons to create shockwaves on the ground.